"You're not making a meal, and I'm about to make dinner!" as I watch Hudson grab sandwich stuff out of the fridge, and I'm about to put on fries and make sloppy joes.
Ok I just put the fries in, and he grabbed a slice of ham to "tide him over".
The really nice breezes blow through my body and into my soul. ~Astrid Alauda
It's about to rain and the breeze is lovely. I'm so happy with our new windows, I am actually able to open them and let in the breeze! I always had horrible thoughts at night as I lay in bed trying to get to sleep, about the house being on fire and us trapped inside because the windows don't open. Scary.
Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while. ~Kin Hubbard
That quote cracks me up mainly because it's so true. I can't count the number of conversations I've had that started out talking about the weather in some way. Hot and humid summers, cold snaps, unnaturally warm for the winter, crazy snow - etc. I bet there are better ways of starting a conversation, let's think of better ways and comment them! I'll add them to the blog with your name.
"How's it going?" - Randy my hubby
"Hi, I'm Hudson and I don't want to talk about the weather today." - Hudson
"What's going on, dog?" - Josiah
"What was the highlight of your day?" - Something my host in Cyprus always asked.
Hey! What's the matter now. LOL